Diane Capogna, Author
Once upon a time lived a gal named Diane Capogna from upstate New York. She resided with her husband Jason, two pups Clyde and Gypsy, and two cats Sunshine and Storm. She enjoyed hiking, camping, boating, live music, traveling, time with friends and family, and being creative when at all possible. Diane’s love for creativity started through writing poetry in her early teens. Torn between a future in journalism and educating children, she obtained a degree in early childhood education. Time was spent owning and operating a daycare center, teaching, and caring for her son P.J. In later years, Diane found her passion for writing once again, through the passing of her beloved Great Dane Abbey Rose in 2020. During a pandemic, and times of grief, she put thoughts to paper of fond memories and experiences that she shared with Abbey. Diane hopes by sharing her stories and real-life adventures, she will keep Abbey’s memory alive while bringing a smile to her readers’ faces.
Anthony Richichi, Illustrator
Anthony Richichi is an award-winning painter and children's book illustrator out of upstate New York. Puppy Comes Home is Anthony's ninth illustrated story with Saratoga Springs Publishing since he joined as lead illustrator in 2020. Some of his books include the Moonbeam Award Winning "Witches, Bats, & Mystical Cats", as well as his author debut of the story "Colorworld." Anthony currently resides in his Adirondack art studio surrounded by books, musical instruments, and lots and lots of paintings.
Abbey Rose, Diane's best friend
Abbey Rose the Great Dane was an amazingly beautiful soul and companion. Her time on earth was cut short due to her big heart, as Abbey was diagnosed at two years old with an advanced heart condition. Her life expectancy was not great but with a lot of love, fantastic doctors, assistance from wonderful friends and family, diligence, and awareness, we had her a few more wonderful years. During this time my husband and I vowed to never leave her. We shared some exciting adventures and happy times!
Abbey loved life, and everyone loved her! She was a socialite, unique and special. Often referred to as “sweet,” she was very much a girly girl. She loved to dress up, even if it was just a towel draped over her that she would think was a pretty dress. When you arrived home with bags, she immediately greeted you and wanted to see what you had inside. She had to smell it all. She was loyal, loving, and curious. If you mentioned a car ride she was in front of the car before you were and placed her head on the console to be close to you. Always ready for the next road trip or adventure, Abbey traveled across Canada, throughout New England, to most of the Great Lakes, and even down to the Smokey Mountains. Abbey enjoyed weekend hikes, dog parks, and being around people, especially girls that smelled nice. Her diet was restricted, which made it difficult as she was motivated by food. If you dropped a crumb, she was on it!
I am so happy to share Puppy Comes Home, Color Puppy Home and Abbey's Special gift with the world! She will always hold a special place in our hearts and be missed forever.