10/14/2024 Outstanding Creator Awards


 Score: 95/100 (9.5 out of 10)

Abbey's Special Gift by Diane Capogna might just be the perfect little 10-minute bedtime/circle-time children's book!

Like a refreshing cool breeze, it's brief, gentle, yet incredibly satisfying.

Abbey's Special Gift is the direct sequel to Puppy Comes Home, a heartwarming, adorable, emotional, and beautiful book that concerned the life and times of Abbey Rose, a beloved Great Dane pup who was born with a unique and special white pattern on her fur as well as being the biggest of her whole litter. She was also born with an exceptionally big heart (literally) due to a rare condition which severely limited the length of her life. However, it did not limit her incredible, compelling experiences and the impact she had on others. She made the best of every moment!

It was a multi-time OCA award-winning book for a good reason—rather, for a lot of good reasons!

Abbey's Special Gift shines a light on one of the most precious, powerful, and beautiful moments of Abbey Rose's life: Abbey Rose's 2nd birthday and gaining the company of a new puppy sister, Gypsy May!

What's incredible about this story and the character dynamics is that Gypsy May serves as a bit of a foil and point of comparison for Abbey Rose herself. Gypsy May is also a special pup with the same coloration/pattern and discovered rather spontaneously (found among a collection of lost and unclaimed dogs in an animal control truck on the road).

Similar to Abbey Rose, Gypsy May is also a sort of blacksheep, giving Abbey Rose someone she can relate to.

It's amusing to also see Abbey Rose interact with the other animals in book including her dogs friends, Emma, Rudy, and Bullet, as well as her cat friends, chief of which is Precious, whom she considers her cat-sister.

The book does a very good job at establishing and putting forward the idea that Abbey Rose has many relationships with other pets and animals, but none that fully fulfill her in a way that a true doggy sister would. This leaves Abbey (and the reader) with a sense of longing that she will find someone—another dog just like her. So, when it finally happens, we're ecstatic!

It's also adorable and hilarious how Abbey Rose isn't immediately sure or comfortable with Gypsy May being around. It's not an insta-love. Abbey Rose takes quite a while to acclimate to Gypsy May being around and taking up a lot of the attention.

She also needs to get used to the fact that Gypsy May smells bad (in her opinion) and that she'll be playing with a lot of Abbey's old toys and eating Abbey's food. In a sense, it seems like Abbey Rose becomes a bit territorial (as many of us would be).

In probably the funniest panel of the whole book, Abbey Rose holds up a sign on the bed that reads, “New Dogs Not Allowed” so that she can hog the space on the bed, something that domesticated animals are known to do.

However, the sisters gradually grow closer, bonding over time through playing together and sharing gifts. It is truly beautiful and heartwarming to see these two cuties connect with each other as the book goes along.

It should be noted that this book is illustrated by Anthony Richichi, our 2023 Artist of the Year! This may be one of his better works. Abbey Rose, in particular, always looks lively, adorable, and excellent overall. Gypsy May & Precious also look cute, expressive, and adorable.

There are times when the Jason's (the husband) neck appears too short or his traps appear too large. This is especially apparent on the first page he appears on and the last. Maybe he has a shorter neck or large traps in real life. It's not the biggest deal. Diane looks great and consistent throughout the book.

It should also be noted that the book also does a good job at showing us how Abbey Rose desires to be a contributing member of society, aspiring to be a therapy and/or service animal for the sick and disabled. One of our favorite panels involves Abbey Rose researching service animals on a computer as if she's a human.

This is a beautiful and heartwarming book with very little text, making it perfect for reading times with younger children.

Screenshot of a Book Review by Louise Jane

Editorial Review for Outstanding Creator Award Nominee 8/2023

Score: 95/100 (9.5 out of 10)

Puppy Comes Home is a heartwarming, happy, and uplifting children's book that follows a family and a dog as they go through the puppy stages of her life.

Abbey Rose is an adorable Great Dane puppy, the largest puppy in her whole litter. What also helps her to stand out from her brothers and sisters is the white pattern that adorns her nose, paw, and chest. She's absolutely adorable! Our all-time winningest artist, Anthony Richichi really captures Abbey Rose's cuteness and uniqueness. He did the same in capturing Alfie's cuteness and uniqueness in Alfie. We've said it before, but Richichi is especially adept at illustrating animals (and non-human creatures).

Abbey Rose is curious, adventurous, and sometimes even mischievous, as all good little boys and girls are! As a puppy, she does things like chew on shoes, ruining them with her sharp teeth. However, most of the time, she's the life of the party—a positive force for comfort and good. People love to pet her because she's the tallest dog, and thus the easiest to reach.

We get to see how Abbey Rose touches so many lives positively, bringing joy and happiness to all who encounter her.

This book as a bittersweet backstory or undertone as Abbey Rose was born with too big a heart (literally)--a rare and often fatal condition. Abbey Rose was not given long to live, but by golly did she LIVE!

This book doesn't dwell in the loss or even the inevitability of it. Instead, the book simply portrays Abbey Rose as living a very happy and full life—a complete and fulfilling life. This book memorializes Abbey Rose in the most loving, caring, genuine, and beautiful way possible: by showing all the things that she got to experience, and all the love she gave and was given.

It's hard not to shed a tear when thinking about this.

One of our favorite parts of the book was when Abbey Rose's parents decided to dress her up for special days: Santa Claus on Christmas, a referee for a football game, and a ladybug for Halloween. What this tells the reader is that even though Abbey Rose didn't live as long as most other dogs, she still experienced a lot and accomplished a lot.

 Golden Wizard

CEO Endorsement 01/24

"Puppy Comes Home" is an absolute treasure of a book that captured my heart from the very beginning. As someone who adores Great Danes, I was immediately drawn to this adorable tale.

Not only does this book delve into the process of adoption, but it also takes readers on a delightful journey into what comes next, shedding light on the realities of raising a puppy, especially a big lovable one!

Through immersing themselves in the story, young readers will not only have a great time but will also acquire a profound understanding of the responsibilities that accompany pet ownership. It's a marvelous way to educate children about the significance of care and commitment.

The story is narrated from the point of view of the dog itself, which adds a special touch that sets it apart from other books in the same genre. This technique enables readers to establish a real connection with the endearing protagonist and view the world from their point of view. Consequently, they will find it easier to relate to their own furry friend's experiences and emotions.

Altogether, welcoming a puppy into your family is truly wonderful. However, I strongly believe that both children and adults must understand the actuality of it and the importance of being competent caregivers. This book serves as an outstanding resource to accomplish just that. In my point of view, it should be mandatory reading!

- Louise Jane, CEO The Golden Wizard Book Prize


April 8, 2023 for Puppy Comes Home

A book for anyone looking for a new pet - 4 out of 5 stars

The writer very delicately explains how wonderful it is to have an adopted pet. She thoroughly demonstrates the proper food and care required to care for pet. She mentions the expenses involved to train the pet and keep it healthy. The author was using her dog as the main character. She was very careful to blend in time and money it takes but the reward of your pets' love is genuine.  - Amazon

December 6, 2022 for Puppy Comes Home

A Must Read Before Getting a Dog - 5 out of 5 stars

I honestly wish every child that wanted a dog would read this book with their parent(s) before bringing one home. This book beautifully communicates the intense amount of both work and love that coexist when owning a pet. It provides real-life examples of what may happen when we leave our shoes or toys that we love lying around and our puppy chews them...or how often dogs need to go for a walk...or need to be trained to do things like sit and stay. Trips to the vet? Covered. Taking the dog out to dogs parks or shopping centers to socialize them? Covered. The incredible bond and unconditional love you get from welcoming this new family member into your home? Covered. I sincerely wish a copy of this book was at every shelter, breeder, and adoption agency there was...I whole-heartedly recommend this as a gift to any child that wishes to one day own a dog, as it provides the opportunity to open a dialogue about the level of committment necessary to own one. It would also be a great gift for a teacher's classroom! - Amazon

November 16, 2022 for Puppy Comes Home

Happy Dog Life - 5 out of 5 stars

Puppy Comes Home is beautifully written and illustrated. Brought a smile to my face.  As a dog lover and owner I can relate and connect to the story, the humor and the cuteness. What makes it nice is that it is a true story. Well done, great read!  - Amazon

October 28, 2022 for Puppy Comes Home

A Positive Review

Received my book from Amazon very well done opened the beautiful cover from that point read the entire book couldn't put it down ❤️

October 22, 2022 for Puppy Comes Home

It is so colorful and well written - 5 out of 5 stars

I Loved this book it is so charming. If you have children and are expecting to get a puppy this is a must read and share with them. The writing and illustrations are so spot on, Your children will love this book as much as I did reading it to them. If you purchase Diane's Book you will not be sorry, Enjoy! - Amazon

October 20, 2022 for Puppy Comes Home

A Positive Review

Diane is a wonderful author. I hope she continues to write more stories about Abbey Rose. I ordered books from her site and it was easy to use and my books arrived right away. I highly recommend Inspiration Abbey LLC. - Facebook

October 20, 2022 for Puppy Comes Home

A Positive Review

I received my book yesterday. Sat right down and read it. I enjoyed it immensely. Thank you for signing it for me! I am so happy for your success! You are a talented wonderful woman.

October 8, 2022 for Puppy Comes Home

Love this Book - 5 out of 5 stars

A Five Star Book, so adorable in every way, filled with humor and uplifting moments of love and friendship. Loved the pictures of Abbey, especially the one in the cloud that was so touching and sweet. Since reading your book I have now become a lover of Great Danes, learning of their gentleness despite their size. Thank you Diane for your adorable literary contribution. I love how write and loved all the wonderful illustrations in your book as well. I've already purchased some "Puppy Comes Home" books to give out as gifts for the holiday and will enjoy being a hit with family and friends. Can't wait for the next book in the series to be out in print. Congrats on your fine work. - Amazon